So many people ask me where I hang out with my camera. So I’m putting together a few of my favourite walks , nothing too taxing just an enjoyable afternoon stroll with your camera or phone camera to enjoy the local scenery and wildlife. Once the better weather arrives, I might do a couple of short guided walks, if there’s enough interest, and offer some helpful basic photography tips along the way.
Heapey reservoirs to White Coppice circular - approximately 2.5miles
Easy walking but can be muddy, walking boots or wellies recommended
Access: From the M61, use Junction 8, Chorley and follow the A674 til you reach the traffic lights. Turn right -Blackburn Rd. Follow the road , at the bottom of the hill, turn left -Knowley Brow and follow road. Turn right just after the estate into Higher House Lane Heapey (SatNav PR6 9BS). Please park considerately on the road or turn left and park in the fishermen’s car park.
So boots on, camera at the ready, start out from Higher House Lane, walk up the lane a little way and turn left up a gravel track which brings you out at the first of the reservoirs. Take the steps up at the right to bring you out at the fishermen’s car park. (If you’ve parked here, join us now) Walk straight ahead towards the second reservoir. This affords great views towards White Coppice and the West Pennine Moors and down the full length of the reservoir. Maybe your first camera stop, it is always mine. Follow the track to the right that hugs the reservoir, watch out for tufted ducks, swans, great crested grebes, coot and mallard. Once you reach a farm track to the left, cross it to reach the stile. This takes you to the third reservoir and on towards White Coppice. The kingfishers are often found here so watch for the flash of blue or them sometimes fishing from the fallen log. Cross the footbridge and on to a raised wooden board walk, a very welcome addition to this walk. I used to have wade calf deep through mud before this was here, not a pretty sight and not for the faint hearted! Cross another little footbridge and walk into the beautiful village of White Coppice. This village is a camera magnet for me as it is so picturesque in any season. Walk over the stone bridge with lovely views of the beck running past a row of white cottages and bear left towards the cricket ground. Hidden from view to your right is another reservoir, only seen from the head of the private drive. Follow the road, passing yet another pretty little reservoir on the left. It’s worth lingering here quietly as the Roe deer are often in the woods to the rear. At the cricket ground, follow the path past the clubhouse (refreshments in summer at weekends), walk through the kissing gate and over The Goit(or Goyt), a culverted river that feeds the reservoirs. Bear right along this path which eventually brings you out at Anglezarke Reservoir, close to Waterman’s Cottage. Camera break! This is probably one of the most photographed cottages around this area and it’s no wonder given the setting. Walk on the quiet road heading back towards Heapey and White Coppice. Turn right down Hollins Lane to village then bear left to the footbridge, retrace your steps back past the reservoirs which will bring you back to the car park and Higher House Lane.
I hope that you have enjoyed this walk as much as I always do. It packs a lot into a few miles, wildlife, becks, fells and hopefully some camera fun along the way.
